Anna's Spa & Wellness Centre
What is Acupuncture?
Offering Acupunture in Airdrie
Acupuncture has been used throughout Asia for centuries to treat problems as diverse as pains, strains and sprains, sinus congestion, digestive problems, and infertility.
According to Chinese Medicine, the body is made up of pathways of energy called meridians, similar to your nervous system and circulatory network. They run up and down and front to back within your body. Acupuncture points are specific sites along these meridians. When stimulated with wire-thin, sterilized needles, acupuncture has the ability to access and harmonize your Qi, or life force energy.
Acupuncturists agree with Western Medicine in their belief that in order to maintain health, the body must be in a state of homeostasis. Sickness and pain is an indication that your body is out of balance. The role of an acupuncturist is to reestablish balance and help your body to naturally return to its optimal state of well-being.
Numerous studies and prestigious resources such as The World Health Organization cite acupuncture as a suitable treatment for:
- Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders – allergies, toothaches, earaches, sinus, and nasal congestion or dryness.
- Eye Disorders – redness, irritation, twitching, eyelid ptosis
- Respiratory Disorders – colds, allergies, and bronchial asthma in children and adults
- Gastrointestinal Disorders – digestive tract problems, chronic duodenal ulcers, colon inflammation, diarrhea
- Musculoskeletal Disorders – back pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, frozen shoulder, arthritis
- Nervous System Disorders – headaches, migraines, some facial paralysis, nerve pain and inflammation
- OB-Gyn Disorders – infertility, heavy, scant, or irregular menses, PMS
- Skin Disorders – acne, rosacea, dematitis, eczema